How to Build and Manage Your Customized Portfolios
Institutional Intelligent Portfolios® is an automated investment management platform that allows you as the advisor to build a customized suite of portfolios for your clients, based on your firm’s investment approach. You select the types of strategies offered to your clients, the number of different portfolios across the risk spectrum from more conservative to more aggressive, the asset classes and their weightings in each portfolio, and the specific exchange-traded funds (ETFs) from among the more than 900 that are eligible.
The user-friendly console makes the process for building your portfolios straightforward, while also offering broad flexibility to construct portfolios based on your views about asset allocation. There are four basic steps to getting your portfolios built and ready for your clients:
- Select portfolio strategies and account features
- Select asset classes and ETFs
- Set weightings for each class
- Publish portfolios for clients to access
Once the suite of portfolios is built and published, new and existing clients will be able to access your portfolios through a link you provide to your Institutional Intelligent Portfolios platform. At any time you can go back to make changes to the types of strategies, asset classes, and ETFs that you’ve included in the portfolios.
You'll need your Schwab Advisor Center® credentials to access the complete whitepaper. If you're not a client of Schwab Advisor Services™ and want to learn more, please call 877-687-4085 or contact a local office.
Important disclosures:
Institutional Intelligent Portfolios® (“IIP”) is a technology and service platform made available by Schwab Performance Technologies (“SPT”) to independent investment advisors (“Advisors”) who maintain a business relationship with Schwab Advisor Services™, a division of Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. (“Schwab”). IIP is used by Advisors to provide their clients with an automated investment management service. Schwab, a registered broker-dealer and member SIPC, provides custody, trading and support services. Brokerage products, including the Schwab One® brokerage account, are offered by Schwab. SPT and Schwab are separate companies affiliated as subsidiaries of The Charles Schwab Corporation, but their products and services are independent from each other.
Schwab Advisor Services serves independent investment advisors and includes the custody, trading, and support services of Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Member SIPC.
This material is for registered investment advisor use only. This material may not be forwarded or made available, in part or in whole, to any party that is not a financial professional.