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We help advisors to engage with their clients more personally using the power of predictive analytics and AI.

  • Practice Insights offers a complete set of products built and designed to solve complex problems & opportunities in the wealth management industry. Each product has a specific goal and leverages the company's data to achieve outstanding results.
  • Practice Insights complete set of products: Increase Wallet Share, Investors Retention, AI Sales Campaigns, Advisors Enhancement and Advisors Retention
  • Our solution enables advisors to engage with their clients at a more personal level using the power of predictive analytics and machine learning. These actions to engage investors are powered by the data and insights only Fligoo can deliver.
  • Practice Insights is a technology-powered enterprise AI solution that provides financial advisors and their managers with customized and intelligent solutions to help them retain and engage investors.
  • Enhance customer journey with AI-generated recommendations and insights based on Advisor and Investor Loyalty, Potential, and Satisfaction
  • Practice Insights presents a highly-scalable and highly-reliable architecture that ensures the consistent, reliable, and secure execution of workloads.
  • Practice Insights integrates with Customer Relationship Management platforms through their partner programs and API integrations tools.
  • Practice Insights AI integrates completely with your existing wealth management platforms and systems via APIs.
  • Driving value for customers through innovative integrations developed in collaboration between Fligoo and world-class technology companies.

We help advisors to engage with their clients more personally using the power of predictive analytics and AI:

  • Increase Wallet Share: Segment the book of business to close as many leads as possible and to focus on existing clients with the highest likelihood of increased wallet share.
  • Investors Retention: Measures loyalty, satisfaction and performance of clients and makes it easy to take actions that maximize CLTV.
  • Advisors Retention: Know which advisors are going to leave your firm with more than 90 days of anticipation
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