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Adaptive can flag concentrations of risk within a portfolio, for example identifying the stocks with outsized contributions to a portfolio’s overall volatility.
Sometimes you will see that a more volatile position (higher dot) can contribute less to the overall portfolio risk (shorter bar) than a less volatile position which has a bigger weight in the portfolio.
The portfolio’s overall risk may be lower than individual components thanks to the benefits of diversification, which is a powerful allocation strategy for reducing risk.
Select portfolio to measure a portfolio’s fit compared to various market indexes in pursuit of cost-effective, right-sized market hedges. This can produce meaningful savings for downside protection.
Adaptive Factor Analysis does the heavy lifting to identify and right-size a market index—or a combination of indexes—which helps explain the performance of the portfolio, and can lead to significantly more cost-effective hedges.
A basket of liquid market indexes is often less expensive than hedging a portfolio’s individual equity positions, albeit with measurable trade-offs in tracking error and correlation.
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About this Product

Factor analysis, forward & back tests for DIY downside protection:
- Risk Contribution. Portfolio risk of individual holdings.
- DIY Protection. Customized shopping list of put options.
- Backtests & Monte Carlo. Model protection costs & benefits.
About Adaptive Investment Solutions, LLC
Adaptive’s powerful fintech platform brings personalized portfolio solutions into the modern world—including one-click downside protection, income generation, and tax-smart risk rebalancing—that otherwise stubbornly remain the bespoke province of ultra high-net-worth advisory clients. Our one-of-a-kind mission is to smooth out the ride—and level the playing field—so investors of all sizes get and stay invested for long-term growth, and make the most of market downturns along the way.
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