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Statements are customized to each client's specifications. This statement is a Household Summary style. Columns, data and layout are flexible. BaySys will work with you to duplicate or enhance your statements to contain as much the most relevant information.
Unlimited number of schedules, rates and tiers by Asset Class, Security Type, or at the individual security level. Assets can be included or excluded from any schedule. Non-billable securities can be displayed or hidden on a statement.
Optional elements on statements - Fee Adjustments (discounts or increases in the fees), non-billable securities, notes, messages or other custom fields. BARS can have different statements for clients billed monthly vs. quarterly vs. annually, etc.
Fee Reconciliation Report provides all details and fees in one place to ensure all accounts are being charged, and charged the correct amount. Users can select which columns appear on reports, and can display all custom fields
Business Intelligence Reports – Insufficient Cash, Payouts to third Parties, Fee History, Fee comparison Report allows you to compare fees from multiple periods, Accounts with a minimum fee and many other useful reports.
Output can be saved to Excel, for further data manipulation or filtering. Other features include Receivables tracking, Pro-rating for Contributions or Withdrawals and Fee rebates for closed accounts. Integration with most PMS systems and custodial data.
Easily group accounts into billing Entities and define fields at both the entity and account levels. The robust flexibility of BARS enables you to define a comprehensive list of functions such as Minimum\Maximum fee and fee adjustment rules.
BARS allows you to define different TYPES of Fees; Management Fees, Financial Planning Fees, Trust Fees and any other type of fee. You decide how the fees will be allocated, and see the results on management reports.
Define which account is responsible for paying the fee, Start Dates (for pro-rating), whether fees are deducted from the account or paid by check, the custodian and many other useful fields. You can define an unlimited number of custom fields.
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About this Product

Statements are customized to each client's specifications.This statement is a Household Summary style.Columns, data and layout are flexible.BaySys will work with you to duplicate or enhance your statements to contain as much the most relevant information.
About BaySys Technology, LLC
BaySys Technology is a pioneer in outsourced data management and billing solutions with over 30 years of experience working with advisors. BaySys specializes in streamlining your firm's billing, portfolio management and reporting processes with outsourcing and fee billing solutions designed to maximize efficiency and eliminate unnecessary or redundant activities.
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API integration is available through Schwab OpenView Gateway®, which is provided by Performance Technologies, Inc. (“PTI”). Single sign-on is provided by PTI. Daily data files and trading integration are available through Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. ("CS&Co"), a registered broker-dealer and member SIPC. Not all third party providers listed on this site have integration agreements with Schwab. Schwab OpenView Gateway® and Schwab OpenView MarketSquare™ are services of PTI.
References to third parties on this site (whether such parties are vendors participating in a service of PTI or independent advisors using a service of a participating vendor) are not an endorsement or recommendation of, or an opinion (favorable or unfavorable), or advice about, or a referral to any product or service of any third party. Advisors are solely responsible for evaluating, selecting, and purchasing products and services offered by third party vendors. Unless indicated otherwise, third parties are independent and not affiliated with PTI or its affiliates.
Schwab Advisor Services includes the custody, trading, and support services of Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. ("CS&Co"), a registered broker-dealer and member SIPC, and the technology products and services of PTI. PTI and CS&Co are separate companies affiliated as subsidiaries of The Charles Schwab Corporation, but their products and services are independent of each other. PTI’s integration solutions integrate data about accounts custodied at CS&Co.
Access to Electronic Services may be limited or unavailable during periods of peak demand, market volatility, systems upgrade, maintenance, or for other reasons.