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Dashboard with Cash Balance and Trade Monitoring. Overview of accounts, trades and models.
Modeling Summary with Drift Analysis and Tax Gain and Loss Overview. Apply models to individual accounts and households with multiple accounts.
Trading Screen with Order Blocking, Electronic Executions and Allocations, Algorithmic Trading, Limit Orders, and Partially filled trade management.
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About this Product

Blaze Portfolio is a cloud-based tax-optimized model rebalancing and scalable trade order management system for wealth managers, investment advisors, multi-family offices, digital advisors and industry partners. Seamlessly integrated with leading industry systems, the Blaze Portfolio platform handles complex strategies, investor personalization and scalable workflows.
• Model Rebalancing: Implement complex models and monitor asset allocations across portfolios with ease.
• Trade Order Management: Manage order executions and allocations across multiple custodians and asset classes.
• Cash Management: Stay on top of cash balances with simple yet powerful tools for daily cash management and intra-day cash monitoring.
About BlazePortfolio Systems
Blaze Portfolio develops scalable investment portfolio rebalancing and real-time trade order management technology for wealth managers, investment advisors, multi-family offices, digital advisors and industry partners. Our proprietary Software-as-a-Service (SAAS) platform empowers clients with flexible tax-optimized modeling, cash management, trade compliance, and real-time electronic trading. Blaze Portfolio/Atom Align clients are up and running quickly with our seamless integration to leading portfolio accounting and reporting systems, back-office outsourcing providers, and multiple custodians. Headquartered in Chicago, IL and founded in 2005, our team has decades of investment industry experience. We support more than 100 clients of every size and variety, and have more than $60 BLN in assets on the platform.
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API integration is available through Schwab OpenView Gateway®, which is provided by Performance Technologies, Inc. (“PTI”). Single sign-on is provided by PTI. Daily data files and trading integration are available through Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. ("CS&Co"), a registered broker-dealer and member SIPC. Not all third party providers listed on this site have integration agreements with Schwab. Schwab OpenView Gateway® and Schwab OpenView MarketSquare™ are services of PTI.
References to third parties on this site (whether such parties are vendors participating in a service of PTI or independent advisors using a service of a participating vendor) are not an endorsement or recommendation of, or an opinion (favorable or unfavorable), or advice about, or a referral to any product or service of any third party. Advisors are solely responsible for evaluating, selecting, and purchasing products and services offered by third party vendors. Unless indicated otherwise, third parties are independent and not affiliated with PTI or its affiliates.
Schwab Advisor Services includes the custody, trading, and support services of Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. ("CS&Co"), a registered broker-dealer and member SIPC, and the technology products and services of PTI. PTI and CS&Co are separate companies affiliated as subsidiaries of The Charles Schwab Corporation, but their products and services are independent of each other. PTI’s integration solutions integrate data about accounts custodied at CS&Co.
Access to Electronic Services may be limited or unavailable during periods of peak demand, market volatility, systems upgrade, maintenance, or for other reasons.