Provider Listings

Leverage Schwab's relationship with RIA vendors across the industry to research and select a solution that may be right for your firm.

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To help you find the right solutions for your firm, use the filters below to select the kind of tool or service you need. You can also filter results based on the level of integration with Schwab or even the provider's name. You can then easily focus in on those that may fit your needs, and click through to view detailed information, including screenshots of the technology in action.

Product Company Category Summary Schwab Integration & Programs
Data and Analytics Iris Software Research & Analytics

Our IP driven capabilities and experience includes Data Engineering, Transforming to a Modern Data Architecture to support Big Data platforms and Advanced Analytics.

Total AdvisorCloud VDI ITEGRIA, LLC Cybersecurity, IT/Infrastructure/Hosting

RIA exclusive 100% cloud based Virtual Desktop Infrastructure.

Jackson Technology Solutions Jackson Technology Solutions CRM Consultants, Practice Management, Technology Consultants

Technology, operations, process and cybersecurity consulting.

Business Management vs. Practice Management Jennifer Goldman Consulting Compliance, Other, Practice Management

Transform businesses to thrive through improved business initiative management. AUTOMATE Other

Integrated low-code platform that uses the powers of AI, ML/DL, NLP.

Daily Data Files HyperApps Other

End-to-end Business Process Automation for Enterprises.

Daily Data Files
Jive Voice/Collaboration Jive Communications Other, Practice Management

Cloud-based phone system with Retail and Salesforce integrations.

CompositeBuilder John Norwood Consulting, LLC PMS Consultant/ Add Ons

CompositeBuilder: an essential tool for GIPS compliance.

Daily Data Files
Report Check John Norwood Consulting, LLC PMS Consultant/ Add Ons

Automated error checking for PortfolioCenter.

Daily Data Files
Junxure Junxure CRM

The CRM that thinks like an advisor—With Junxure you can harness the power of meaningful data, forge deeper client relationships, and scale using smart automation. Visit to learn more.

API Integration, Single Sign On
High Net Worth Property & Casualty Insurance Kelly Klee Private Insurance Other

Kelly Klee is a modern insurance advisor for successful individuals who deserve protection for what they've earned.

ETF Model Portfolio Soultions powered by Nasdaq Dorsey Wright KKM Models Research & Analytics, Trading & Rebalancing

KKM Models is a separately managed account solution provider powered by Nasdaq Dorsey Wright. KKM Models provides access to distinct ETF model portfolio strategies. This access is provided with low minimums, flat fees, and the benefits of real-time performance reporting as well as intra-day liquidity. KKM Models technology enables investors to research, customize, and allocate to a wide range of investment models across multiple accounts with comprehensive reporting.

KKM Risk-Based Model Portfolio Solutions KKM Models Research & Analytics, Trading & Rebalancing

KKM Models is a separately managed account solution provider powered by Nasdaq Dorsey Wright. KKM Models provides access to distinct ETF model portfolio strategies. This access is provided with low minimums, flat fees, and the benefits of real-time performance reporting as well as intra-day liquidity. KKM Models technology enables investors to research, customize, and allocate to a wide range of investment models across multiple accounts with comprehensive reporting.

Koyfin Koyfin Research & Analytics

Market data and analytics covering stocks, ETFs, Mutual Funds, fx and economic data.

Daily Data Files
Kwanti Analytics Kwanti Research & Analytics

Efficient platform for portfolio construction and proposal generation.

Daily Data Files, Single Sign On
GRACE Compliance and Conduct Risk La Meer Inc. Compliance

GRACE Compliance and Conduct Risk solution provides easy approach to establishing culture of compliance and manage oversight as per FINRA, SEC rules.

Daily Data Files
Term Life Insurance Ladder Other, Practice Management

Ladder is term life insurance built to be instant, simple, and smart.

Laser App Enterprise Laser App, A division of iPipeline, Inc. Document and Form Management

Installed forms filling solution which leverages existing data.

Single Sign On
Laser App Anywhere Laser App, A division of iPipeline, Inc. Document and Form Management

Cloud based forms filling solution which leverages existing data.

API Integration
Client Happiness Levitate Practice Management

Your one-stop shop for turning happy clients into loyal advocates.

SIT Provider
LifeYield Portfolio Advantage LifeYield Financial Planning

Automate and quantify optimal asset location in dollars and cents.

Daily Data Files, Single Sign On
LifeYield Social Security Advantage LifeYield Financial Planning

Maximize Social Security, interface compares best strategies that show.

Daily Data Files, Single Sign On
Liquidity Calendar Liquidity Calendar Services LLC Reporting

Understand your liquidity across strategies, funds, tranches and more.

Lockton Advisor - RIA Cyber Liability and E&O Insurance Lockton Affinity Cybersecurity, Practice Management

Cyber Liability, E&O and Fiduciary Insurance solutions customized for fee-only RIAs

PRO LOGICLY Portfolio Management

AI-powered solution that simplifies and automates portfolio management.

Daily Data Files